Surah waqiah english
Surah waqiah english

surah waqiah english

The word is also regarded as one of the designations of Resurrection. Since the Events preceding Resurrection shall be so shocking and awakening that their manifestations shall be reflected in all the constituent elements of the world.Īlludes to Resurrection, since it is inevitable. "When the Great Even befalls, There can be no denial of its befalling" The blessed Chapter in question focuses on Resurrection and similar Events are being enumerated in its opening Verses, e.g. There can be no denial of its befalling.Īs reflected in numerous Qur’anic Verses, the Events of Resurrection are initially accompanied by great and shocking happenings. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Mercifulġ. It goes without saying that such Blessings may not fall into the lot of one who merely recites the blessed Verses of the Chapter without attending to their significance, but recitation is supposed to follow intellection and acting upon Divine Injunctions. He will be amongst the friends of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam ‘Ali (as)." 2 He will never suffer hardships, poverty, destitution, and other worldly afflictions. "Whoever recites Surah al-Waqi‘a every Friday night, God Almighty will like him and will make him to be loved by all people. The blessed Verses of the Chapter are so shocking and awakening that no room is left for human neglect. "One who recites Surah al-Waqi‘a will be excluded from the neglectful." 1 Numerous traditions are to be found in Islamic sources concerning the recitation of the Chapter an instance of which is a Prophetic tradition according to which: Thus, recitation of the Chapter is awakening. The majority of the blessed Verses of the Chapter treat of Resurrection, its qualities and happenings, and division of mankind into peoples of Hell and Paradise on that Day. The title of the Chapter, Waqi‘a, is a designation of Resurrection whose imminence is prognosticated in the opening Verse. The Chapter was revealed in Mecca and it has 96 Verses. This is the way of ultimate success in this world and hereafter.In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. We must obey tawakal and follow the commandments of Almighty Allah and his beloved Prophet PBUH in every walk of life. We should make a habit of reading Surah al Waqiah every night. Soon you will get barakah for sending blessings to our Prophet PBUH. Read Durood Ibrahimi 3 times before and after reading of this surah. This surah doesn't takes more than 5 minutes to recite and the rewards yet are so big SubhanAllah! The best time to recite Surah Waqiah is after Isha prayer. So here in a nutshell, benefits of reciting Surah al Waqiah are tremendous. "I have instructed my daughters to read Surah al Waqiah every night." "Whoever recited Surah al Waqiah every night would never encounter poverty" Ībdullah ibn Masud May Allah pleased with him said This Surah protects against poverty as our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAWW said So this Surah provides an array of worldly benefits for good earning. Most of our troubles are finance related instability.

#Surah waqiah english full#

The world we living today is full of tension, stress and worry. So from the above hadith it is cleared that Surah Waqiah is a blessing for the entire Muslim Ummah. "Surah Waqiah is the Surah of wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children." "The one who reads / recites Surah Waqiah every night, poverty will not befall him." Surah Waqia is also known as Surah of wealth. There are many benefits and virtues of reading / reciting Surah Waqiah. It was revealed on Prophet Muhammad PBUH in holy city Mecca.Įach word of Quran and every Surah of Quran has many healing benefits and virtues.

surah waqiah english

Surah al Waqiah is 56th Chapter or Surah of Holy Quran. Masurah waqiah benefits virtues of surah waqiah surah waqiah ki fazail barkaat surah waqiah recitation

Surah waqiah english